Blog Entry #5 Doug Ducey


      Ducey: Why Arizona needs more college grads  

            Hi welcome back, today's blog isn't going to be about the weather this time, or what has been going on with Russia and Ukraine, or Covid. Instead we are going to talk about a local news article that came out a couple of years ago called "why Arizona needs more college grads". When I was about to graduate high school there was no denying I was nervous. Simply because I didn't know if I wanted to continue my education journey. There were lots of factors that came to mind. I was probably not the only student who thought about financial problems, if college is even worth all the stress we were about to go through, what to major in, and so on.

     Immediately at the beginning of the article, Doug Ducey made sure that we knew he was talking to his audience from a husband/father perspective, and not as an elected official. Simply to make a type of connection with readers, and make them understand that he knows and understands his audience in a way. The second part of the article talks about how earning a degree can open up more opportunities, and opens the door to more money. Do I agree with him? Yes. Finding a job with just a high school diploma can be easy. Especially right now since lots of places are short staffed and need workers. The only problem with that is that the pay isn't good and worth it. As someone who worked at a Sally's Beauty yeah it feels good to earn some money, but when you're being overworked, and mistreated, and underpaid it makes you want to want more. Higher paying jobs now will require some sort of degree, and to get that college is probably the best option.  

Although majority of people think that college is the only way to a good financial life, there's still other options. To be successful college isn't necessarily the way. People may believe that but it's not always true.
For example, the famous Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to fund Microsoft. Which to me is really impressive cause he's a billionaire now. Another example would be Steve Jobs the former CEO of apple. He apparently dropped out of college after one semester. For the most part, people should go to college if they truly desire to go. There are lots of ways to become successful.


  1. Hey Yasmin, I had the same opinion like you regarding this article. Another example would be steve job who dropped out of college after one semester. He went on to create the Apple and now it is one of the biggest brands. This helped our economy tremendously even though he wasn't college educated.

  2. Hi Yasmin, I think you do an excellent job expressing your opinion about this topic. you use great examples to make it easy to understand your views.

  3. Good job on your blog, I agree that college isn't for everyone but education funding is always a good thing.


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