Entry #9 Media

   Media is something that has me and most of you constantly looking at our phones whether we admit or not. First we start looking at our phones for a couple of minutes but then those minutes turn into hours. It's addicting no doubt. After a little bit of research I came across that apparently 4.62 billion people in the world now people use social media. Which is really mind-blowing. 

Media sources can also really impact our view of the world. A term used to describe this would be gatekeeping. This basically refers to the fact that media controls the information we get, and therefore what we think about. Editors here contain lots of power because they basically decide what we end up hearing about therefore what we also think about. 
Media is seen everywhere. It's like there's no escape. We see all different types of media everyday. They come our way in many different types of forms as well. They come in magazines, usually containing over like one hundred ads. Or that's what it seems like at least to me. We also seem them through billboards, broadcasts, publications, games and much more.  We use different types of media to find out about news going on around the world, to learn new things and to entertain ourselves.  

With the whole pandemic that's still occurring people have been using media more than ever. Sadly, that has it's consequences. TikTok is a platform used amongst lots of people. Recently I came across a video of a girl who talked about how her self esteem has been going down and all because of what people have said about her through a screen. She's only one of many examples on how media can truly impact someone. Numbers of people committing suicide has also increased significantly. 

Media is something that is extremely powerful. It can be useful but it could also easily destroy something or someone too. 


  1. It's crazy how much time I spend using some type of media. Once people get up in the morning, the first thing we check is our phone. I wish we communicated better instead of simply just sending texts to talk to people.

  2. Often times people only see what like minded individuals have to say.


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