
Showing posts from April, 2022

Entry #10 School Safety

   We come to school almost on a daily basis to learn and to see our friends, let's be honest. Usually when it comes to school we think of it as a safe place. Lots of people think of schools as a safe zone because majority of schools are constantly being protected by police officers on campus. It came down to police officers having to be on watch on school grounds because of tragic events that have occurred in the past. Which is sad to think about. Are schools really safe? Even with measurements taken to protect students? Recently I came across a story that is truly devastating. Alycia Reynaga was a 15 year old who had her life planned ahead of her but sadly was cut short. This story truly hit me hard because I have a sibling who is the same age as her, and they're both freshmen in high school. She loved softball. In fact she was on the high school team, she was loved by her teammates and lots of people. Her community still remains disbelief.  She was murdered on school grounds

Entry #9 Media

   Media is something that has me and most of you constantly looking at our phones whether we admit or not. First we start looking at our phones for a couple of minutes but then those minutes turn into hours. It's addicting no doubt. After a little bit of research I came across that apparently 4.62 billion people in the world now people use social media. Which is really mind-blowing.  Media sources can also really impact our view of the world. A term used to describe this would be gatekeeping. This basically refers to the fact that media controls the information we get, and therefore what we think about. Editors here contain lots of power because they basically decide what we end up hearing about therefore what we also think about.    Media is seen everywhere. It's like there's no escape. We see all different types of media everyday. They come our way in many different types of forms as well. They come in magazines, usually containing over like one hundred ads. Or that'

Entry #8 News

                            I didn't know what to talk about for this blog entry if I'm being completely honest but today were talking about news that's going on around us currently. Since majority of us are loaded with homework and responsibilities it feels like the world has gone silent and there isn't much going on, but surprisingly there's a lot of news and events.  About a month has gone by and it seems like things have calmed down between Russia and Ukraine. People weren't posting about it on social media as much but a lot has gone down between these two countries. Putin's forces are preparing to expand control in the east and south side of Ukraine. The move follows Russia's failure to capture the capital city of Kyiv, according to sources. Putin recently just appointed General Alexander Dvornikov to lead the next phase of the War in Ukraine. Many believe including the U.S. that the new leader will change the outcome of the war. Not only that but c

Blog #7 #Hashtags

       Without realizing it, we come across lots and lots of hashtags every single day. It's like they're everywhere. We see them all over our social media's, books, magazines, you name it, but what exactly are hashtags? Well hashtags are used to signify the theme of one's content. As we all know a hashtag is made out of a pound sign attached to a word or phrase. They're normally used to tag a group content of a common topic. They essentially become a hyperlink that when people click it, it takes you to the search results page of that tag, it's a way for people to search for content of a given topic. It's another way to filter down the overflow of online content and find people that share the same interests.  Although hashtags are most commonly associated with Twitter they appear frequently on other social networks. Many brands use hashtags to promote themselves. Which is one reason why they are important to big brands and companies. They use it as a way for