Entry #10 School Safety

 We come to school almost on a daily basis to learn and to see our friends, let's be honest. Usually when it comes to school we think of it as a safe place. Lots of people think of schools as a safe zone because majority of schools are constantly being protected by police officers on campus. It came down to police officers having to be on watch on school grounds because of tragic events that have occurred in the past. Which is sad to think about. Are schools really safe? Even with measurements taken to protect students?

Recently I came across a story that is truly devastating. Alycia Reynaga was a 15 year old who had her life planned ahead of her but sadly was cut short. This story truly hit me hard because I have a sibling who is the same age as her, and they're both freshmen in high school. She loved softball. In fact she was on the high school team, she was loved by her teammates and lots of people. Her community still remains disbelief. 

She was murdered on school grounds on April 18, 2022. She was stabbed at her high school in a random act of violence. Around 11 AM at her high school, in Stockton California a man parked his car in the front parking lot walked right up to Alycia and stabbed her several times before being detained by campus officers. Alycia was transported to a hospital, but sadly didn't make it because of her stab wounds. Seen to the left is suspect 52 year old Anthony Gray. He is being held in jail without any form of bond, and will be charged with Alycia's murder. At this current moment it's said that the stabbing was done at random act.  
Questions since then have risen. Lots of people question security at that school. People around the world have now heard of her story and now are pleading for more security for schools. We have to make our schools safer things like this shouldn't happen. 


  1. You make a vary valid statement. even though schools make an effort anyone with a strong enough will can do what they want. its the ugly truth but until these individuals find help or the campus is able to fund and employ officers.

  2. Hey Yasmin, I really agree with you about how we should have more security in schools and around the school. I am truly saddened that she had to go through this. I hope she is resting in peace. Maybe having security hide in tinted cars during the day might help. They might notice weird people and then protect young kids from them. It is better to be safe than sorry.

  3. I'm not sure what you would have the school do to make it more safe. It's really tragic that Alycia Reynaga died. You can't stop every bad thing from happening.

  4. I agree, more security would help keep our kids safe. The concept of it is sad though, the place where they are suppose to be safe, are targeted with the intention of harm. Great job with facts on the story you shared to back up your topic.

  5. Hey Yasmin I am gonna say that this is a great blog. I agree that there should be more measures like more security to help prevent catastrophic events and to keep kids safe a priority to prevent another situation like what had happen to Alycia.. Overall great blog on putting awareness on school safety!.

  6. Yasmin--Nice finish to the blog project. You have interesting, relevant topics that are discussed quite well, and you lay out a blog that is engaging and supported. Great job. Keep blogging!

  7. I know some schools are implementing SROs (School Resource Officer) who is a sworn officer and assigned to protect the schools. I would say it is a great start but sometimes in certain areas, more SROs are needed to be around the campus. Even having a HUGE school, 1 officer cant have eyes in 3 different areas.


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