
Showing posts from February, 2022

Entry #4 Ukraine and Russia

                  We're only about to be on month three of this new year, and already so much has happened. This blog entry is just a little recap of what's been going on so far, or what's going. So far there's been a lot of chaos especially since we are still being impacted by a pandemic.        As we can see from the map, Ukraine has a big massive border to the east side with Russia. Even though you can't really see it, to the west side is Europe. Back in the seventh hundreds the Russian empire was massive, it even controlled several countries like Poland for example. It all came to an end eventually. Certain Russians like Putin for example, love the idea of the Russian Empire. For some weird reason people obsessed with that idea still consider many of those European countries that were part of the Russian Empire to be Russian. That includes Ukraine. Despite the fact that Ukraine is its own independent country with their president. There's lots of factors to t

Entry #3 Slanted Report

            What a world we live in today. Nowadays it just seems like finding an article that talks about a person like the president can be difficult. Slanted New/Reports can be described as another form of being biased towards something or someone, to make that person or  situation seem bad. It's an effective way to catch and make a new type of audience.      An example I came across was when CNN covered a story on  President Donald Trump allegedly attacking African American professional football players for being "African Americans". Although he did call out the NFL players it had nothing to do with their skin color. He called them out simply because along with him, and lots of people around the nation felt like kneeling at the time was a sign of disrespect towards people who are currently serving and served. Why were the players kneeling? At the time racism was at its peak. Kneeling or standing in silence before a game was a way for players to protest against racism.

Blog #2 Weather

         No doubt Arizona's weather can be extremely crazy. Lately we have been experiencing chilly, to really windy to warm weather.  Luckily we didn't have to experience other people's troubles. In some places people saw over ten inches of snow. Making it hard and difficult to travel. Driving around snow can be extremely dangerous. Why? Each year over  100 people loose their live trying to do simple things to survive the harsh weather. Which is why no matter the weather you have to be safe.           Even though people think that living in the cold isn't bad at all, sometimes warm weather isn't bad. Throughout the spring time, the weather here can literally be called perfect. But when it comes to the actual summer time that's a completely different story.  During the summer time, temperatures here can reach up to 120 degrees. Making it difficult for people to even walk out of their homes, and making it dangerous for lots of people who work outside.           I

Entry #1 Blogs

  When I initially heard about blogs in class for the first time, I was not too intrigued. I just thought of it as a place for adults who have their whole life figured out, to talk about their experiences. But I was proved wrong. There's so much to a blog. People can talk about literally anything, at anytime.      If you're into movies and shows like most people. Tv Fanatic Girl aka Amy's blog has many great reviews. She talks about so many shows available on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max etc. She provides trailers and a lot of background information about the shows for her viewers. Not only that but something that caught my attention and probably of many others, is that she includes a pros and cons section about the shows. The layout of her blog is interesting because she includes lots of pictures and statics. The purpose of Amy's blog is to inform readers about so many shows available. With Covid-19 going around, and lots of people having to quarantine her blog is a great wa