Blog #2 Weather



    No doubt Arizona's weather can be extremely crazy. Lately we have been experiencing chilly, to really windy to warm weather.  Luckily we didn't have to experience other people's troubles. In some places people saw over ten inches of snow. Making it hard and difficult to travel. Driving around snow can be extremely dangerous. Why? Each year over  100 people loose their live trying to do simple things to survive the harsh weather. Which is why no matter the weather you have to be safe.


        Even though people think that living in the cold isn't bad at all, sometimes warm weather isn't bad. Throughout the spring time, the weather here can literally be called perfect. But when it comes to the actual summer time that's a completely different story.  During the summer time, temperatures here can reach up to 120 degrees. Making it difficult for people to even walk out of their homes, and making it dangerous for lots of people who work outside.
In the year of 2020 alone, Arizona saw over 494 deaths linked to the heat alone. For example, about a year ago a 12 year old with Autism sadly passed away when he was on a walk with a family member. When everything seemed to be fine, the twelve year old suddenly just collapsed, loosing his life immediately. When the autopsy came back, his family was told that his death was heat related, he died to dehydration and and hypothermia.   

           No matter the kind of weather, remember that it's important to protect yourself and other people    around you. Remember to protect yourself against lots of types of cancers. A common type of cancer people can get is skin cancer. Doing the simplest of things for example sunscreen can really protect you, against the harsh sun.



  1. i really liked your blog . Its different from the rest. I like how you formatted your pictures and pictures. Makes me want to keep reading. Over all good job on the blog. I read pure facts. This Arizona heat isnt it lol.

  2. I enjoy the format, it is very appealing to the eyes. As I read throughout I don't feel like it is overwhelming by all the sentence. It feels organized and not cramped in if that makes sense.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I really enjoyed this blog. It's informational and it helps create awareness to those who are visiting Arizona. You are right, it is becoming hotter and hotter each year and it would be nice for everyone to take precautions when being outdoors during the hot summer months.

  5. Yasmin--Your blog is looking really good so far. Engaging layout and format. Clear voice and authentic tone. Thoughtful topics and content. Keep developing and analyzing and connecting to your audience. Good work!

  6. i love how your have your blog all organized<3 and i agree with you about the weather and more about summer could be so hot.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I really like how you formatted the blog and it definitely helped me with mine. The heat during the summer sucks and people should stay safe.

  9. I very much enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your perspective of weather especially as an Arizona resident. Great blog!

  10. I love the weather here besides the summer of course I feel like everything else is perfect weather though.


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